For every bar of chocolate we support social and ecological projects all over the globe.

Schoggibaum – Sweet Impact

The Swiss chocolate with SWEET IMPACT! Indulge in your sweet tooth and contribute at the same time to environmental and social causes across the globe. Schoggibaum funds environmental and social projects to curb climate change, to foster the economic betterment of the local population and to preserve biodiversity. Let’s act together now!

Milk chocolate Caramel & Sea Salt


Per chocolate bar a new tree in Iceland

CHF 4.90

72% Cacao & Chili Dark Chocolate


Per chocolate bar an new tree in Indonesia

CHF 4.90

60% Cacao & Baobab-Fruit


Per chocolate bar a new tree in Kenya

CHF 4.90

75% Kakao schwarze Schokolade


Pro Schoggi ein neuer Baum in Kolumbien

CHF 8.00

Milk chocolate with honey


Every chocolate helps Swiss dry meadows

CHF 2.90

Swiss Chocolate

Our chocolate is Swiss made according to Swiss tradition and quality standards. It goes without saying that we only use organic milk from Swiss dairy cows.

Fair Trade

All raw materials necessary for the production of chocolate meet the internationally recognized Fairtrade standards Rain Forst Alliance, Bio Logo and Fairtrade.

Cradle to Cradle

With our partner Vögeli AG we follow the ideals of a circular economy. While the exterior packaging is compostable, we use pure aluminum for our chocolate wrap, which is 100% recyclable.